Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Some tips to keep an erection

In certain respects, no different from the human body with machines. Sexual skills not only depend on physical fitness, but also the mind and mental attitude that can be trained.
According to Graham Masterton in his book, Wild In Bed Together, sexual peak performance is 10 percent physical ability, 20 percent experience and knowledge, and 60 percent of mental control. The conscious mind is necessary for erection.
However, if a man can train himself, then that is obtained is concentrated for the defense to erect properly. For that, Graham gave a few tips that can be tried.

1. Do not be nervous
When making love, do not be too worried about themselves whether or not an erection. You do not have to believe anything to prove masculinity with can not erect. Remember, she actually understands that he can not always erect. They just are not comfortable with the guy who always can not erect.

2. Do not just think about an erection
Better to just think about how to satisfy a partner. For example, knowing which parts of the pair most like to be touched.

3. Invite a partner to help
Difficulties should be shared with your partner. Do not apologize and make excuses because it's not your fault alone. This is equal to the task of stimulating your partner before intercourse.

4. Do not rush
Do not rush to penetrate because of thinking while while erection for him not limp anymore. This method is actually only adds to anxiety and increases your chances to limp again.

Even the most serious, by doing everything with a rush, you may experience premature ejaculation. It would be better you do it slowly and continue to think how to give pleasure to your partner as possible. Good luck!
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The best positions to have sex during pregnancy

If you are pregnant does not mean you can not have sex anymore. You can still perform conjugal relationship during your nine months pregnant unless of course if there are medical reasons and on the advice of your doctor to not have sex.
But when the pregnancy is getting bigger then the stomach Andapun will become bigger and then you need to do and find a comfortable sexual positions for you while having sex this.

The best positions to have sex during pregnancy:

• The position of women over. This position is most comfortable for many pregnant women, especially since pregnant women can control the depth of penetration.

• Wheelbarrow. This position is usually in mid or advanced pregnancy which does not require much movement. Men and women sit on it sat facing each other or back to the man when the stomach is very big. This position also allows her to control the depth of penetration.

• The position of the man lying above but only half of the body.

• kneeling or standing position.

The most important of all sex positions during pregnancy this is do not put your weight into the pregnant mother's abdomen during sexual intercourse or limit pressure pregnant stomach.

Which still have to remember, that sexual intercourse may be one important part of the statement feelings of love, a sense of security and calm, togetherness, closeness of feeling in the conjugal relationship. But do not make sex the most powerful role in the harmony of conjugal relations. You can still express feelings of affection by exchanging ideas (communication), hug, kiss, or a massage without having sexual intercourse. Most importantly try to understand each partner desires.
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